Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So since my husband was recalled and deployed, I'm discovering lots of new things. Mostly, however, these are things that I dislike.

Living alone? Yeah. Fuck that.

"Oh, but Katrina, you'll get to know yourself and have time to really discover who you are!"
Really?!? Shove it!

I'm mainly just creating a running list of shit I don't like about living alone. And at the top of that list? Yes, above taking out the trash (yes, I know, it's all my trash, shutthefuckup), is SPIDERS. Granted, I knew I hated spiders long before I lived alone, but why is it that when the hubbs is home, the spiders I find are baby daddy long legs in the bathtub. Seriously?

So the other night, I decide to take my laptop to bed with me and finish an episode of Lost (what what!!) there. Usually, when I make the journey from couch to bed, I call out and one or both of my cats follows me. Emmie starts to follow, but stops at the doorway and won't come all the way in. Evs, her loss... I continue watching and becoming increasingly confused (seriously, we're flashing forward now?!? wtf?!?) and she starts meowing. Really right now? I call her. She doesn't move. She's sitting in the doorway with her back to me. Still meowing. This goes on for another five minutes. It's odd, but so is she, so I disregard it. But she seriously won't shut the fuck up, so I grow impatient. I call her and finally get her to come over to me, but she doesn't get past two paws on the bed, back paws on the nightstand, staring at the door. She goes back into the doorway and resumes the incessant meowing. Either this is Poltergeist and I'm going to have to start throwing tennis balls into bright lights, or she needs me to change the litterbox before she shits on the floor. Fine. You win this round Cat.

I go and get a bag, turn on the hall light, and remove the lid to the litterbox. When I do this, a spider the size of the aforementioned tennis ball (okay, I might be exaggerating a smidge) and super mean and scary looking desperately clings to his web, and bounces over to the wall. I'm not even kidding right now, this thing looks like something out of Arachnophobia. I panic. The first instinct is to run into the living room, at which point I realize this spider is in the doorway to MY BEDROOM ohmygodIloseconsciousnessinthere so I realize I can't just flee. Or I'll seriously never sleep again. I find a shoe, and about seven smacks and untold amounts of profanity later, the spider is dead. I change the litterbox, vacuum up the spider remains and half the living room (maybe the other spiders will run in fear, like the cat?) and return to Lost. *sigh*

The boy cat, Zero, curled up by my feet (he knew I needed comfort in the post traumatic period after the attempt on my life). The girl laid down on the floor in front of the litterbox. I don't know if she was upset because I stole her kill, or was guarding my life. I've chosen to believe she was being a guard kitty, remaining vigilant in case the need arose to warn me of subsequent attacks.

I decided to go to sleep after so much ass kicking. I needed my rest for the next day when I would be building a house because I'm just. that. awesome.

1 comment:

  1. So, first of all, I totally know where you're coming from with the being alone. It sucks. It's too quiet, you miss the person who isn't there and there is never enough stuff to fill the time before you get lonely again. I'm here if you ever need me :) Second, points to you for braving the spider; I know that was a major step for you :) And third, you ARE that awesome! Love you girl! :)
